Thursday, July 7, 2011

Coffee Anyone? (11)

In the previous post, I described the cut out of a housed and cogged joint on the table shelf frame members. The next step was to process the cuts on the mating pieces for those shelf frame members, namely the legs themselves.

A portion of the joinery on the leg had been cut out using the CNC. I had to clean up that work with a chisel, then i made a jig so as to process the housing cuts on the side faces:

At this point, the mortise in the leg to accept the draw bar has not been trimmed square, however, all in good time.

Then it was time to offer up the fit, 1:

And a 2:

 And a 3:

And  that was about as far as things went, as on the underside of the joint there was a bit of interference between the molded rear face of the leg and the housing on the shelf frame piece:

I used a knife to scribe the fit along the molded profile of the leg, then separated the pieces.

A little chisel work was next:

When the trimming was complete, I had cleaned off but a slight amount of material:

Time to see how the fit is, round 2:

This time, the pieces went fully together - a close up of the lower interface, where I had just removed some material:

And a close-up of the upper face:

That makes for one pair more or less complete:

After I separated the pieces, I took the opportunity to clean up the leg mortise so as to accept the draw bar pin:

A while later, all 4 pairs were done through this stage of cut out:

The next step with the legs will be to cut the cross-wise mortises for the fixing pins, komi-sen that secure the draw bars to the legs. These cuts I will do with the hollow chisel mortiser and a 0.25" bit. That will complete the connections for the table leg to shelf frame pieces. Then it will be onto the joints connecting the legs to the table top.

All for now, I hope you'll join me again next time on the Carpentry Way.  --> on to post 12

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