Thursday, December 6, 2012


My good friend Tony Grove, a wooden boat builder and teacher of some renown on Canada's West Coast, has recently taken on the restoration of Canada's oldest surviving sailboat, the Dorothy. A video has been produced to introduce Tony and the project and I thought it would very much be of interest to readers here:

Tony Grove's boat yard is based on Gabriola Island, B.C. He also paints extensively and makes furniture, and builds the occasional carved entry door. Looks like an intriguing project has come his way and I wish him well in his endeavors.


  1. Chris,

    From a woodworker preparing to go back to sea,
    thank you for this video.

    Hope all is well, hope to stop in next time I can get over to Leeds.


    1. Dick,

      Good to hear from you and I look forward to your next stopover at my shop.



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