Tuesday, October 9, 2012

The Coin Test

I was at the shop with my wife the other day, where I was showing her the new Martin. She mentioned to me the coin test, which I have seen performed with a Hoffman jointer in the past. I had no coins on me but my wife had a quarter and a dime with her so she balanced those on the outfeed and unleashed the beast:

As you can see, just another way I'm getting nickle and dimed here folks. It would have been nice to have had a dozen coins to balance all over the machine and give a more dramatic show, but the result would have been the same I'm sure.

Thanks for dropping by. Comments always appreciated.


  1. Dale,

    it's called 'Star Delta'. The larger Hitachi bandsaw has it as well.

    Good to hear from you, and I hope things are going well in your shop.


  2. That’s very impressive with the dime and quarter. The only times I’ve seen this done they used a nickel. As you know a nickel has a wide and flat smooth rim compared to the dime or quarter, and is smaller in diameter than a quarter which would be more likely to fall over. I would also think that the dime and quarter, with their ribbed edges, would have more of a tendency to fall over than a nickel. That’s one well built and massive machine.

  3. Funny you say that - it took quite a while to even balance the coins. I had in fact given up on balancing the quarter on the top of the outfeed and had gone on to work on something else, however my wife managed to get it placed a few minutes later.


  4. The flip side of the coin test is how far a noisy vibrating machine will make the coints fly!!!!...lol

    1. Ward,

      I hope you're not speaking from experience....


  5. Star Delta starting is a reduced voltage starting system. It takes longer to start but does not have the instantaneous burst of current, and concomitant torque surge, normally associated with typical "Across The Line" starters.

    Even using star delta starting, that is still quite impressive. A very well damped system.

    1. There's something a bit exciting about motors which start up with star Delta, a gradual building of intensity, and then 'dah-dahh!!!! if you know what I mean. It's actually fun to turn on the machine.


  6. Could it possibly be a bottle of super glue in your clenched right hand?


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