Monday, July 11, 2011

Coffee Anyone? (13)

What?! Back already? Two days, two posts, a blinding pace to be sure. Post 13 in a series, with previous installments located in the archive to the right of the page.

With the shelf-to-leg joinery completed, I turned my attention to some manual work to define the 'stirrups' on the lower end of the legs - a fun bit of chiseling, etc..

First, a little sawing:

Then some chisel work to remove the bulk of the material:

 More chisel work, this time with a round-bottom chisel:

Then in there closer to the raised rib with a narrower gouge:

Some cross-wise paring:

 And the back side of the stirrup is more or less completed:

 On to the front face:

A similar sequence of operations:

In there again with the round bottom chisel:

More of the same:

 Then I used a mill bastard file to even the surfaces somewhat:

After the file was placed back on the table, out came a 1mm chisel:

 It was then back to chopping and paring:

Getting there:

When the dust settled, I had  the stirrups well defined on the bottom of the legs. Here's a look at the front faces, comparing a 'before' and 'after' leg:

 And a look comparing back faces:

A little more work yet on those stirrup portions, however they are mostly done. On to the other three legs for the time being...

Thanks for visiting the Carpentry Way. Comments always welcome.  --> on to post 14


  1. A 1mm chisel? 1mm? How do you sharpen that thing?

    Inspirational, as always.

  2. hi Mark,

    well, uh, I sharpen it freehand on the water stones, like the rest of my tools. Due to the narrowness, on has to be extra careful when flattening the back of the chisel.

    Thanks for your comment!


  3. Hi Chris, enjoying your 3rd essays.
    Nice carving, You've carved it to look like a delicate wooden clip has been sliped over the feet of the legs.
    Very nicely designed.


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