Tuesday, January 18, 2011

X Marks the Spot (XI)

Today marks the 11th post in this series, and I have gotten to the point, with no feedback over the past few entries, that I fear I might be shouting into the wind with this topic. However, I will forge onward, despite the silence, and not knowing if anyone is following along. Gotta finish what ya start, after all. For those who are wondering where things began with this thread, which stretches back into December of 2010, previous installments can be found archived to the right of the page.

I'll keep it short and sweet today. Last post, we ended up with a lay out of various cut lines on the unfolded plan view of stick 'b':

At this point we are able to cut the foot and top of the stick, and can lay out one of the intersecting planes from stick 'a' - the 'front' plane.

The next step is pretty much a carbon copy of the previous steps - this time taking the plane which is parallel to the orange ('front') plane we worked on last time. This plane was last developed in post 7, and I chose to color it green. Since this plane is parallel to the orange one, its traces and projection lines are all parallel to that plane as well. This makes subsequent developments pretty much a case of 'play it again Sam'. First, I will interconnect the points of intersection of the projection lines with the arris lines on the elevation view of stick 'b':

I've colored the area bounded by those connection lines, an area that is denoting a plane, BTW a teal color. The boundary points are marked 5", 6" (two points), and 7". The reader might note that this shaded area is exactly the same configuration as the pink one produced last post (and visible below-right in the above drawing).

Next, we project lines 90˚ to the axis of the elevation (ie., the hypotenuse of the stick's slope) over to the unfolded view of stick 'b', intersecting these projections with the arris lines on the unfolded view:

All that remains is to connect the points of intersection just formed to one another in a logical manner:

As one would expect, the zig-zagging line of this plane is identical in configuration to the one formed in the last post. That completes this step in the process: we drew the rear plane of stick 'a' onto stick 'b'. Next time we will deal with the remaining two planes of stick 'a', which will take us pretty much to the end of this drawing exercise.

One last picture, to give an overview of the complete drawing as things now stand:

I hope interested readers will stay tuned for the next post. Thanks for coming by today.


  1. I have enjoyed this (and all the other posts) very much. I did have to do a second drawing and have now tried to move ahead to what you will do in the next post. Hmmmmm, now how to incorporate this into my next remodel project!

  2. I'm here,too, and I have to say that this is a real nail-biter for me. I follow your instructions and do the drawing and anxiously await the next installment to see where it leads.

    I've plotted all four planes already and I can't wait to see how you determine what the final cut will look like.

    The world that you have opened up to us is truly enlightening and fascinating. Thank you for your willingness to share your amazing journey. Keep up the great work.

  3. Please don't stop! I'm a couple of weeks behind where I'd like to be with this - but I will catch up when I get on top of my day job.

    Love this stuff.



  4. wow! Gentlemen, I have to say that seeing your comments this morning was a real boost for me. If even one person was finding these posts worth reading, I would be perfectly satisfied, so to have four people chime in like you have is almost overload! Thanks so much - more to come in this series and of course in other topics on the blog.


  5. Add me to the list of those above. I am laying out my model sticks as we go.


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