Well, it's ready* For those of you who were feeling queasy after the volume I essay in The Art of Japanese Carpentry Drawing series on mathematics, here's something you may find more appealing.
This new carpentry drawing essay, (volume III) covering Japanese splicing joints, is ready after months and months of work. I use an asterisk next to 'ready' in the preceding paragraph because it is slightly complicated to explain just where things are at. As I wrote and completed illustrations for this essay, it just kept getting longer and longer, and, at the same time, became a larger and larger file. My writing software started crashing with some frequency. Then I realized that the file, even when turned into a .pdf, was getting much too large to send to many email servers.
So, I have decided to divide the volume into a Part 1A and a Part 1B. Part 1A is now complete and runs 136 total pages, with heaps of detailed illustrations. Here's the table of contents for Part 1A:
Table of Contents.
Scarf Joint Series.
1. 平掛け込み栓継ぎ (hira-ka-ke-komi-sen-tsugi) / 1
2. 金輪継ぎ (ka-na-wa-tsugi) / 6
Henka 1 / 15
Henka 2 / 17
Henka 3 / 20
Henka 4 / 22
Henka 5 / 26
Henka 6 / 30
3. 追掛け継ぎ (okkake-tsugi) / 36
4. 追掛け大栓継 (okkake-dai-sen-tsugi) / 39
5. 尻挟み継ぎ (shippa-sami tsugi) / 43
Pole Joint Series.
6. 竿車知栓継ぎ (sao-shachi-sen-tsugi) / 47
About the Wedge / 50
Henka 1 / 56
Henka 2 / 57
Henka 3 / 59
Henka 4 / 61
Henka 5 / 62
Henka 6 / 64
nageshi application / 66
mawari-buchi application / 70
engawa kamo-i application / 73
Spline Joint Series.
7. 竿車知継ぎ (sao-shachi-tsugi), splined / 78
8. 竿車知栓継ぎ (sao-shachi-sen-tsugi), splined, through post / 80
9. 四方竿車知栓継ぎ (shi-hō-sao-shachi-sen-tsugi), splined, 4-way through post / 83
Barbed Rod Joints.
10. 半鶍竿車知継ぎ (han-isuka-sao-shachi-tsugi) / 89
Henka / 94
Two-, Three- and Four-way Rod Joints.
11. 二方竿車知継ぎ (ni-hō-sao-shachi-tsugi) / 96
12. 三方竿継ぎ (san-pō-sao-tsugi) / 99
13. 三方竿車知栓継ぎ (san-pō-sao-shachi-sen-tsugi) / 103
14. 四方竿車知継ぎ (shi-hō-sao-shachi-tsugi) / 110
The Shellfish Mouth.
15. 貝の口継ぎ (kai-no-kuchi-tsugi) / 112
henka / 116
Two alternate configurations / 119
The Root Connection.
16. 根継ぎ (ne-tsugi) /
大手門継ぎ (Ō-te-mon-tsugi) /
Oddballs /
And Volume 1B, which is nearing completion, continues on with the following joints - again the table of contents:
Gooseneck Series.
17. 鎌継ぎ (kama-tsugi) /
henka 1 /
henka 2 /
henka 3 /
18. 芒継 (no-ge-tsugi) /
Another kaya-oi application /
19. 四方鎌継ぎ (shi-hō-kama-tsugi) /
Wedge detailing /
henka 1 (twin tenon) /
henka 2 (up/down) /
19. 隅二方鎌継ぎ (sumi-ni-hō-kama-tsugi) /
20. 逆鎌継ぎ (gyaku-kama-tsugi) /
henka /
21. 斜め顎掛け目地継ぎ (na-na-me-a-go-ka-ke-me-chi-tsugi) /
22. 被せ相掛け目地継ぎ (ka-bu-se-ai-ga-ke-me-chi-tsugi) /
Box Joint Series.
23. 箱継ぎ (hako-tsugi)
24. 箱隠し継ぎ (hako-ka-ku-shi-tsugi)
25. 箱台持ち継ぎ (hako-dai-mochi-tsugi)
26. 箱栓継ぎ (hako-sen-tsugi)
27. 箱車知栓継ぎ (hako-shachi-sen-tsugi)
28.隠し金輪継ぎ (ka-ku-shi-ka-na-wa-tsugi)
henka /
29. 隅切り鶍継ぎ (sumi-kiri-isuka-tsugi) /
30. 台持ち継ぎ (dai-mochi-tsugi) /
henka /
On Top of Post /
Volume 1B is looking like another 100 pages or so - I won't know until it is complete, which is planned for the end of January 2011.
In total then, volume 3 covers 30 different splicing joints, together with variant forms, for a total of nearly 60 joints!!
At this point I have enough done to make it -Part 1A - available for sale. No point holding back now is there? As with the previous 2 volumes, subsequent revision of the material, should they prove necessary, are always free to original purchasers.
Here's how I am pricing Volume III:
If you buy the entire volume III, then the price is $40. I will send you Part 1A immediately, and then when Part 1B is ready in about a month I will send it to you.
If you are unsatisfied for any reason with your purchase after receiving part 1A, having ordered both parts, I will refund you the $10 difference and presume you will have no further interest in Part 1B. There's not much of a risk really to jumping right in there and pre-paying for volume 1A and 1B.
If you only want to go with what is complete right now, then part 1A costs $30 by itself. When part 1B is ready, if you are interested in that, it will cost a further $20. So the total price, if you go that piecemeal route, is higher.
I've put a lot of effort into writing and illustrating this volume, and you will find splicing joints and details about the joints you simply won't find anywhere else, even if you can read Japanese and access source material. It's more than a compendium, as I put my knowledge and experience gained from having personally cut the joints many times into the essay. I focus in on important details that you won't see in other books on Japanese joinery. I chose leave out joints which I feel have limited usefulness. The correct Japanese terms for all the joints are included, including alternate names, as well as background on why the joints have the names they do. I also give the typical applications for each of the joints and why one joint might suit a given situation better than another joint. Finally Part 1B will have a glossary of terms applicable to splicing joints attached.
Here's a few page shots, giving a taste of what you can find in volume 1A:
So, if you are interested in obtaining your copy of the 3rd volume in The Art of Japanese Carpentry Drawing series, please e-mail me and let me know if you want the full volume, or just part 1A for now. I accept paypal for payment, however if that doesn't work for you for some reason, we can figure something else out I'm sure.
This is the first volume on the set concerning Japanese joinery, and if there is a demonstrated interest out there in the readership, I'll be following up with volumes on other types of Japanese joints in the near future.
* This is the old post on this topic. For an update, click --> here <--
Thanks for coming by the Carpentry Way today.
ah! some light christmas holiday reading......
ReplyDeleteGot the download Chris, very nice work, just as I knew it would be.
ReplyDeleteNow, on to some looked-forward-to "headaches" trying to master how to lay out and cut a few of these joints.
I find the 3th volume on Japanese Carpentry Drawing very useful. As a professional carpenter working alongside experienced Japanese carpenters, and having a vast array of resource material at hand I was wondering how much more there can be told about the subject.
ReplyDeleteAfter reading this new volume I was pleasantly surprised that you succeed in covering this subject in the most useful way. The henka fueled my inspiration to experiment with my own variations on joinery.
There are a lot of subtleties to be mastered regarding a tight fit, structural integrity and internal physics, and you succeed in explaining those clearly. It is all about gaining insight in the physics of the joint.
Thanks Chris, very well done.
Most generous of you all to comment upon this essay - it is a work in progress and the feedback is very appreciated.