Thursday, September 16, 2010

Sawing For Teens

For those of you who have been mystified by my references in past posts to "Sawing for Teens", I have now located the original animated short from National Film Board of Canada which contains the reference. I hope this gives the reader some insight into the sort of things I find funny. Let me know if it tickles your funny bone too. I think a Carpentry Way 'Sawing for Teens' T-shirt could be an idea for the future...

The Big Snit by Richard Condie, National Film Board of Canada


  1. Chris

    Great cartoon! Sharon Condie is a genius for those backgrounds! I didn't quite catch the name of the trade school, but I would be interested in taking some classes.

    Thanks for that.


  2. I had one. A sweatshirt that I bought at the NFB store in Winnipeg. My pal Mike and I called condie in about 1986 about a year after the animation was born. We asked him if we could buy the rights to the t-shirts, but he said that he had signed them to the NFB. About 1988 I walked into the NFB store, somewhere down the street from Portage and Main (on Main I think) and bought the sawing for teens white sweatshirt with the clown sporting a saw through his head on the front. Interetsing talking about it now, I was searching for a replacement, that shirt long gone. Cheers, doctorgonedon

    1. Don,

      thanks for your post - it helped me discover that the link to the video was dead, so I was able to fix it.

      Still liking the idea of a t-shirt..



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