Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Update: Japanese Joinery Workshops

This is a follow up from my initial announcement of the two Japanese Joinery workshops scheduled for this Summer. The registration deadline for the first of the two introductory courses in Japanese Joinery fast approaches. This course is envisioned to tackle representative examples of pegged mortise and tenon, kama tsugi (gooseneck) scarfs and variations, wedged pole joints, and others. As of today, the first course has 4 people indicating interest, one of whom might try to make the second course as well, and with a 5th person undecided as to whether to take the first course or the second. Registration closes in another 15 days, so if you are thinking of attending this course, let me know soon. A $50 deposit is required upon registration.

The second course, the 5-day one slated for August, is accepting registration until the middle of July. At this point I have 3 people indicating interest, with another undecided as to whether to take the first course or the second.

For either course I'm looking for a minimum of 5 participants to proceed, and limiting to a maximum of 12. Detailed information as to course content, suggested/required tool list, and a list of the many accommodation options, which range from camp grounds to hotels, will be made available after registration closes. Course content remains slightly fluid at this point, as I intend to more finely tailor it to the interests of the participants and their backgrounds.

Please e-mail me for further info or to put your name in the hat: kurisuhoru {at} gmail {dot} com

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